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Jeszcze nie zdecydowaliście, dokąd wybierzecie się w styczniu? Zachęcamy do odwiedzenia Peru! Ten urokliwy kraj w Ameryce Południowej oferuje niezliczone możliwości na fantastyczne wakacje. Styczniowa podróż do Peru to doskonały pomysł, ponieważ występuje tam sezon deszczowy, co oznacza, że ​​krajobrazy są zielone i piękne. Zalecamy zabranie ze sobą odzieży przeciwdeszczowej i wygodne buty do pieszych wycieczek, by móc w pełni cieszyć się pięknem tego kraju. Pamiętajcie również, że styczeń jest w Peru miesiącem festiwali, co oznacza, że ​​będziecie mieli okazję uczestniczyć w różnorodnych wydarzeniach kulturalnych i festiwalach, jak na przykład Umachiri Festiwal Kultury. To niesamowite doświadczenie, które pozwoli wam lepiej poznać kulturę tego kraju. Jeśli jesteście miłośnikami historii, nie zapomnijcie odwiedzić Machu Picchu, starożytnej inkaskiej osady, uważanej za jedno z cudów świata. Spacer po ruinach tego magicznego miejsca przy wschodzie słońca to niezapomniane przeżycie. Warto również spróbować tradycyjnej peruwiańskiej kuchni. Próbując lokalnych dań, jak ceviche czy lomo saltado, poznacie smaki tego regionu. Nie zapomnijcie również o tradycyjnym napoju - Pisco Sour. Podsumowując, styczniowa podróż do Peru to doskonały pomysł, pełen przygód, kultury i wspaniałych krajobrazów. Z naszymi wskazówkami i poradami na pewno będziecie mieć udane wakacje!


Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary

Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary Machu Picchu is an Incan city surrounded by temples, terraces, and water channels, built on a mountaintop. It was built with huge blocks of stone joined to each other without any mortar. Today it has been designated cultural heritage of humanity in recognition of its political, religious, and administrative importance during the age of the Incas.   1. Gene...


Nazca lines and geoglyphs

Nazca lines and geoglyphs On the vast pampas of Nazca Jumana, mysterious lines and geoglyphs form geometric patterns as well the figures of animals, anthropomorphic beings, and plants, among others. But their outlines can only be recognized clearly from the sky aboard small airplanes. Despite numerous studies, the lines are an enduring 2,000-year-old mystery that neither time, nor the region's ...


Route Santa Cruz Llanganuco Ravine

Route Santa Cruz Llanganuco Ravine The 62 km trek begins in Cashapampa (35 km north of Caraz), continues along the Santa Cruz ravine, then ascends to the Llamacorral (Taullipamapa) base camp. The route to the base of the Alpamayo mountain follows the Cedar Gorge and crosses Punta Unión pass (4 750 masl) and passes through Huaripampa ravine before ending at Llanganuco Lagoon. The trek offers be...


Ollantaytambo Fortress

Ollantaytambo Fortress A living example of what an Inca town was like. The fort is preserved in time, containing houses, streets, and channels from the Tahuantinsuyo period. The name of the town and the archaeological area is owed to Cacique Ollanta, who, according to legend, fell in love with a princess, daughter of Inca Pachacutec, and was severely punished.   In the Ollantaytambo comp...



Arequipa One of the principal cities in the south of Peru, Arequipa is known as the 'White City' because many of the buildings have been built from 'sillar', a white stone that comes from enormous quarries formed by the lava of volcanoes that watch over the city Arequipa's history spans centuries and has been lovingly preserved, particularly in the Historic Center.   To walk through the ...


Historic Center of Lima

Historic Center of Lima The history of Lima dates to the 16th century. Ever since its founding by the Spanish, and during the Viceroyalty of Peru, Lima, the City of Kings, has been a political and cultural center of the first order on the new continent. The proof is in the Historic Center, where centuries-old churches, convents, and magnificent homes with elegant balconies have been preserved, ...


Surf - Lima Beaches

Surf - Lima Beaches General Information Location: Lima Department. Lima Province Climate: Warm in summer. Average temperature: 19 ° C. (66 ° F) Season: All year Common characteristics: cold water beaches. Waves all year round.   Costa Verde Location: City of Lima Type of Waves: Ideal waves Level: for beginners   Location: Chorrillos District Sea chara...


Rafting - Tambopata River

Rafting - Tambopata River This is the most spectacular route in Peru. It begins in Putina Punku (900 masl), Puno, and descends through tropical forests until it reaches the Madre de Dios Amazonian plains (200 masl), before flowing through the Bahuaja Sonene National Park and the Tambopata National Reserve. The river, with grade III and IV rapids, courses through the largest uninhabited part of ...


Vilcanota mountain range

Vilcanota mountain range Located between the Vilcanota, Paucartambo and Madre de Dios Rivers, the range includes mountains like Ausangate (6,384 meters - 20,945 feet), Mariposa, Cayangate, Wakay Willca (or Verónica) Chicón and Pitusiray, which is over 5,500 m.a.s.l. (18,044 f.a.s.l.). This mountains are also known as the 'Rainbow Mountains'  General Information   Location...


Hang-gliding and paragliding - Alley of Huaylas

Hang-gliding and paragliding - Alley of Huaylas The Callejón de Huaylas, and the cities of Huaraz and Carhauz in particular, contains various areas from which to start a hang-gliding and paragliding flight. But the most well-known spot is the Yungay Pan de Azucar (Sugar Loaf) mountain. From the air, one can better appreciate the contrast of the Cordillera Negra with the Cordillera Blanca, wher...

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My Guide Peru jest częścią globalnej Sieci My Guide przewodników podróży online i mobilnych.My Guide Peru jest częścią globalnej Sieci My Guide przewodników podróży online i mobilnych.

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