Cultural things to do in Peru

When visiting Peru, there are countless cultural experiences to explore that will give you a deeper understanding of this diverse and vibrant country.

One of the must-see cultural attractions in Peru is the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that offers breathtaking views and insights into the history of the Inca civilization.

Another iconic cultural sit... Read more

Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary

Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary

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Koricancha Temple

Koricancha Temple

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Ventanillas de Otuzco (Otuzco Windows)

Ventanillas de Otuzco (Otuzco Windows)

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Dead Bull (Dead Bull) Rock Carvings

Dead Bull (Dead Bull) Rock Carvings

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Moray Archaeological Complex

Moray Archaeological Complex

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Tucume Archaeological Complex

Tucume Archaeological Complex

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Sacred City of Caral - Supe

Sacred City of Caral - Supe

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Wari Archaeological Complex

Wari Archaeological Complex

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Choquequirao Archaeological Park

Choquequirao Archaeological Park

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Pachacámac Archaeological Complex

Pachacámac Archaeological Complex

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Ancient Lima

Ancient Lima

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Kotosh Archaeological Complex

Kotosh Archaeological Complex

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Historic Center of Lima

Historic Center of Lima

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The Ica Tambos

The Ica Tambos

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Nazca lines and geoglyphs

Nazca lines and geoglyphs

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Pisac Archaeological Complex

Pisac Archaeological Complex

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Sipan Archaeological Complex

Sipan Archaeological Complex

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Places of Worship in Qenqo and Tambomachay

Places of Worship in Qenqo and Tambomachay

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