
Huancavelica has been one of the most important places for Andean people


Huancavelica has been one of the most important places for Andean people, as there are numerous archaeological sites and complexes such as the pampas and shelters of Mosoqcancha, Antaccocha, Pumaqoria, Astobamba Paturpampa.

The petroglyphs of Inka Wayqo, Qeromachay are evidences dating from 7,000 thousand years a.c. Approximately in the year 1,100 AD, the region passed to the Huari, a conquering and highly organized town of Ayacucho origin that dominated much of the Andean territory.
At the fall of the Huari, the Chancas emerged who maintained a strong resistance against the Inca armies. When this territory was incorporated into Tahuantinsuyo, the Incas arranged to build two important administrative centers, Uchcus and Incahuasi.